Hometown News

The Jemez Mountains are home to an astounding variety of plants. With 176 known species, no group demonstrates this more vividly than the grasses. A new book by Terry Foxx and Craig Martin will help you learn how to identify the more common grasses found in the Jemez.
Using detailed descriptions, color photos, and detailed drawing, this book focuses on the distinctive features of grasses in the local area. Because many grasses retain their distinctive seed-heads in winter, this guide is useful for identifying grasses year-round.
Common Grasses of the Jemez Mountains is the fourth volume in Foxx and Martin’s series of books covering all types of plants in the mountain range. The first three volumes are centered on ferns, trees, shrubs, and wildflowers.
Common Grass of the Jemez Mountains, as well as the first three volumes in the series, are available at the Los Alamos Nature Center. All profits benefit the Pajarito Environmental Center, which operates the Nature Center.